Why are heart attacks silent killers?

Study of Rupture of Plaque Using Finite Element Method 

The underlying mechanism of a silent heart attack is no different than that of a classic one. It usually occurs when the buildup of plaque in a coronary artery spontaneously ruptures. The rupture causes a blood clot to form, leading to an acute blockage. 

We did a detailed mechanistic study of the rupture of a plaqueusing the finite element method. When the Plaque ruptures, atheromatous mixes with the blood and the blood clots.

We identified that there is a race between stress exerted on the plaque and its strength.  The stress is high early on when the block size in the artery is low. As the block size increases the stress drops but strength also drops. When they cross over, the plaque ruptures and results in a heart attack.

Read our published paper below to learn more about the study and its outcomes.

Paper: Influence of Lumen Shape and Vessel Geometry on Plaque Stresses